Thursday, June 21, 2012
Breaking News
This just in...Ann Curry is (possibly) being sent packing from the Today Show!
I'd like to say that I'm shocked, but let's face it, she was on borrowed time. We knew this day would come. Those Big Wigs at NBC had to throw her a bone once Meredith left, but we all knew they weren't serious. I bet they were all sniggering behind their hands as they told her the good news those (few) months ago. Poor Ann probably thought their smiles were so wide because they were happy for her. The truth was, however, that they would look like Big Wig T.V. Executive Asses if they passed her over AGAIN, so they decided to make it look like she got the gig -- they certainly weren't going to let her actually stay! After all, they couldn't ask Matt Lauer, The King of All That is Talk Show-y, to mask his intense annoyance for very long!
I actually feel sorry for Ann. The other Today Show 'talent' have never truly accepted her. She's been tolerated but not accepted. Matt and Al act like the 'cool kids' who have been told by Mom to be nice to the 'awkward girl.' How I'd love to be a fly on the wall during Matt's time in the morning make-up chair. You know he's got a few choice comments about Ann's most recent 'touching' interview or her 'interesting' outfit choice from the previous day. I bet after the show, he and Al go back to Matt's office (and it would be Matt's office because I'm sure refuses to go in Al's office because he claims it smells like cheese) and do a full on pantomime of the morning's Ann highlights. Can't you just picture them laughing and carrying on about how Martha Stewart bullied Ann yet again during her segment on gold leafing your pet. "No, Ann...(giggle) you do NOT dip the dog... (giggle) in the leafing medium...(snort) you dip the brush...(bahahaha). Oh the ripples of laughter one must hear from behind closed Today Show doors! And all at poor Ann's expense, I'm sure.
Yes, Ann can be slightly cloying, and you do kind of wonder who dressed her that day, but she seems like a nice person. I wish her the best in whatever she does next -- although, except for Barbara Walters, I'm not sure if there is much of a future for ex Today Show anchors. We'll see where she ends up -- I hope, for her sake, she lands a fabulous new gig -- because sometimes it's fun to see the awkward girl finally get to stick it to the cool kids!

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