Monday, August 27, 2012

Where Does the Time Go?

Tomorrow, my Boogah turns 11 years old. 11 years old! I can't quite believe it. It's so cliche, but it truly does seem like yesterday when this picture was taken. It was his first birthday, and the poor little guy had a fever (hence his slightly fussy expression) that day. He was a trooper though. He ate his birthday cupcake despite not feeling well. Goodness was he a sweet baby! He's still my sweet little baby - even when he gives me what I like to call 'Tweenitude.' (Would you be surprised to find out that he hates it when I say that? ;-) I swear it seems like I blinked and he became a Tween! When I blink again, he'll be a teenager and then with another blink, he'll be off to college and on his own. It makes me want to give up blinking. I want to just grab hold of him with eyes closed to stop time from spinning away. But I can't. It doesn't work that way. I can only continue to treasure this brief moment in time called childhood - while it lasts. Happy Birthday to my sweet Baby/Tween!