Sunday, September 14, 2008

Enough is Enough

I am already so over this whole election thing. Not, necessarily, because it isn't all very interesting and that I'm not concerned about the future of our country or who the next most powerful person(s) in the free world will be, but simply because the zealots (on both sides) are annoying the hell out of me.

Tell me, since when did Facebook become a platform for expressing one's political beliefs? Yeah, yeah, Freedom of Speech and all that. I get it. But isn't Facebook supposed to be, you know, fun? (And only slightly less creepy than MySpace?) Well, I have news: reading someone else's political mini-rants on Facebook is NOT fun.

In past elections, the platform for political expression has been limited (somewhat) to the oh-so-effective bumper sticker tactic. How many bumper stickers have I witnessed in years past, 'screaming' at me from the car ahead, insisting that I see the driver's political point-of-view while I make my way to the grocery store? (I believe it is a proven fact that 97% of political epiphanies occur in the car on the way to the grocery store, so they actually may be onto something.) Bumper stickers are annoying in general and especially when they're political, but I have stickers on my car (on the back window, not the bumper and not of a political nature), so I suppose I can't judge people who express themselves with their car too harshly. However, when I log on to Facebook (yes, I'm almost forty and enjoy a little Facebook socializing from time to time -- judging, are you? I didn't think so), I want to see a witty 'status' message or some recent pictures a friend has posted, or maybe I just want to keep in touch with a long, lost acquaintance or two in a light-hearted, casual manner. I don't, however, want to be forced to believe that Sarah Palin is a She-Devil in glasses or that Barack Obama's lack of experience will be our country's downfall. I don't like some one else trying to make my mind up for me, or make me feel ashamed of the choice I do finally make -- especially on Facebook! I'll watch the debates, listen to the interviews and make my own informed decision based on my own belief systems--not because of Facebook coercion.

Enough is enough people! If you feel that strongly about a candidate, that's great! More power to you--go do some real work for their campaign. Pound the pavement, attend a rally, raise money, heck! even write your own blog and let people CHOOSE to read your opinions. But please, please, lay off the running political commentary on Facebook!

Ahh, I feel better. I've said it. I've expressed my opinion --on MY OWN BLOG--and now I must go (update my status on Facebook).

Another, much more brilliant, blogger expresses some views on the election and how those of us who are not worked up into a frothing, panting frenzy over any particular candidate feel. She expresses it much better than I. Enjoy:

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